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The insurer's rates will be the combination of the prospective loss costs and the loss cost multipliers and, if utilized, the expense constants specified in the attachments. 1. Check one of the following:  MACROBUTTON CheckIt (The insurer hereby files to have its loss cost multipliers and, if utilized, expense constants be applicable to future revisions of the advisory organizations prospective loss costs for this line of insurance. The insurers rates will be the combination of the advisory organizations prospective loss costs and the insurers loss cost multipliers and if utilized, expense constants specified in the attachments. The rates will apply to policies written on or after the effective date of the advisory organizations prospective loss costs. This authorization is effective until disapproved by the Commissioner, or until amended or withdrawn by the insurer. Note: Some states have statutes that prohibit this option for some lines of business. MACROBUTTON CheckIt (The insurer hereby files to have its loss cost multipliers and, if utilized, expense constants be applicable only to the above Advisory Organization Reference Filing. 2. Does this filing apply to all class codes? ______ If no, complete a copy of this form for each affected class with appropriate justification. 3. Loss cost modification: A. The insurer hereby files to adopt the prospective loss costs in the captioned reference filing: (Check One) ( ) Without Modification (Enter a factor of 1.000 in 3B.) ( ) With the following modification(s). (Cite the nature and percent modification, and attach supporting data and/or rationale for the modification.) _________________________________ B. Loss Cost Modification Expressed as a Factor: (See Examples Below) ____________________ Example 1: Loss cost Modification Factor: If your company's loss cost modification is -10%, a factor of .900 (1.000 - .100) should be used. Example 2: Loss cost Modification Factor: If your company's loss cost modification is =15%, a factor of 1.150 ( 1.000 + .150) should be used. NOTE: IF EXPENSE CONSTANTS ARE UTILIZED ATTACH EXPENSE CONSTANT SUPPLEMENT OR OTHER SUPPORTING INFORMATION. DO NOT COMPLETE ITEMS 4-11 BELOW. 4. Development of Expected Loss and Loss Adjustment Expense (Target Cost) Ratio. (Attach exhibit detailing insurer expense data, impact of premium discount plans, and/or other supporting information.) PROJECTED EXPENSES: Compared to standard premium at company rates. Selected ProvisionsA.Total Production Expense%B.General Expense%C.Taxes, Licenses & Fee%D.Underwriting profit & contingencies*%E.Other (explain)%F.Total%* Explain how investment income is taken into account5.A.Expected Loss Ratio: ELR = 100% - 4F =B.ELR in Decimal Form = PC IRF-WC CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 оٷ LOSS COST FILING DOCUMENT(WORKERS COMPENSATION 6.Overall Impact of Expense Constant and Minimum Premiums: (a 2.3% impact would be expressed as 1.023)7.Overall Impact of Size-of-Risk Discounts plus Expense Graduation Recognition in Retrospective Rating: (An 8.6% average discount would be expressed as 0.914)8.Company Formula Loss Cost Multiplier [3B/ (7 x 5B x 6)]9.Company Selected Loss Cost Multiplier =(Attach explanation for any differences between 6 and 7) Yes No 10. Are you amending your minimum premium formula? If yes, attach documentation, including rate level impact as well as changes in multipliers, expense constants, ( ) ( ) maximum, etc. 11. Are you changing your premium discount schedules? If yes, attach schedules ( ) ( ) and support, detailing premium or rate level changes. 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